" To provide a sustainable environment compatible with productivity "


About Fullerton Hadley Landcare Group

The Fullerton Hadley Landcare Group formed in 2001 and is based at Kempton Hall, located next to Fullerton Rural Fire Service shed on Fullerton Road. The group’s area comprises approximately 20,000 ha and is generally bounded by the Laggan Road to the south, The Abercrombie River to the north, Peelwood Road to the west and The Bolong River to east.

There are over 80 landholders in the groups’ area with 70% residing outside the district. The diverse population mix offers challenges and opportunities as Fullerton Hadley Landcare Group works with both owners who see their land as retreat from urban living and those that rely on their land for a living.

The group is dedicated to creating a stronger and sustainable community. By working together, sharing knowledge and expertise in a collaborative, open and friendly forum, we aim to assist local landholders, both lifestyle block owners  & rural landholders  alike to address and overcome issues that impact all landholders in the district.       

Fullerton Hadley Landcare welcomes new members with an annual membership of $44 per property. For more details email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




About Upper Lachlan Landcare

Upper Lachlan Landcare was formed by the Upper Lachlan Catchment Coordinating Committee to support Landcare activity in the Upper Lachlan Region and acts as the umbrella for the 13 Landcare Groups operating at Breadalbane Plains; Bigga; Crooked Corner;  Foggs Crossing; Friends of Oolong; Fullerton/Hadley; Grabben Gullen; Heffernans Creek; Jerrawa Creek; Kiamma Creek; Lost River; Peelwood, Limmerick, Tuena; and Roslyn.

Upper Lachlan Landcare by employing a part time Landcare coordinator is able to assist these local groups with events, projects, funding applications and brokering partnerships with Government and other agencies.


About The Upper Lachlan Region

The Upper Lachlan Region is located in the Southern Tablelands of NSW at the headwaters of the Lachlan River Catchment. It is defined as the catchment of the Wyangala Dam, south of the Abercrombie River, covering an area of 588 114 ha with an estimated population of 6000.

The Region includes the towns of Crookwell and Gunning and the villages of Dalton, Bigga, Reid’s Flat, Grabben Gullen, Tuena, Rugby, Binda, Breadalbane and Laggan.